DuelCircle Census [Closed]

The DuelCircle Census is now closed

The DuelCircle Census is now closed. Thank you to everyone who participated. Royal Ibis participation codes and raffle winners will be emailed during the week of Monday, May 11th to eligible respondents. 

If you do not receive an email by Monday, May 18th, you may have either 1) Entered your email address wrong or 2) Failed an attention check during the survey, thus not being able to complete it. Unfortunately, we are unable to award Royal Ibis codes in this case. Please make sure to check your spam folder as well.

A list of raffle winners will not be posted due to respondent anonymity through the survey. (i.e. We have no way to track who someone is outside of posting their email address.)

Stay tuned to DuelCircle for the results throughout 2020.

As a reminder, If any redemption issues occur, send an email to community@wizard101.com with the problematic code and your KingsIsle account username ONLY. KingsIsle does not require you to provide your password to them. Codes are for the North American version of Wizard101.

We want to create even better content and products for you. We’re asking you to help us by filling out the DuelCircle Census. The DuelCircle Census is intended for the general public to be a voice in the decision making process, and help shape DuelCircle. Your answers will inform creative decisions around new content and products.

This survey will take approximately 20-30 minutes of your time. All respondents who successfully complete the DuelCircle Census by May 10th at 11:59pm ET, will automatically receive a code valid for a Royal Ibis Pet.

If you would like to participate in the DuelCircle Census, please click here.

All respondents who successfully complete the DuelCircle Census will also be entered into a raffle for the following prizes:

  • 5,000 Crowns (2)
  • 10,000 Crowns (2)
  • $39 Undersea Enchantment Bundle w/ 5,000 Crowns (2)
  • $39 Fantastic Fairytale Bundle w/ 5,000 Crowns (2)
  • Permanent Mammoth Mini Mount (+2% Outgoing Heal Boost) (4)
  • Fog Staff (10)
  • Random Pack (25)

Attention checks are placed throughout the survey. Failure to answer an attention check correctly will submit the survey abruptly and result in an invalid entry. You will not receive a Royal Ibis Pet code and will be ineligible for the raffle if you fail to follow directions.

Royal Ibis Pet codes and raffle prizing will be emailed during the week of May 11th. Please make sure you enter in your email address correctly, otherwise we will be unable to contact you. If you would not like to receive a Royal Ibis Pet or enter the raffle at the end of the survey, you may choose to opt-out. Regardless, we greatly appreciate your support in filling out the DuelCircle Census.

Please note, the information submitted in connection with the DuelCircle Census will remain private and secure. DuelCircle will never provide your information to third parties. You may contact us if you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns.